cheese garlic bread

Bread is the most common and versatile food in all over the world. Cheese Garlic Bread is a popular among them, specially in European countries and India.

Cheese Garlic Bread belongs to Italian cuisine. It is fluffy, flavorful and the main attraction of this bread is its cheesy lava like inner crust. When you cut the fresh baked bread the melted cheese flows out.

I hope you will enjoy it as much as I dis. Here is the recipe.

cheese garlic bread


1cup-240ml; 1tablespoon – 15ml ; 1teaspoon – 5ml;

  • All purpose flour – 1 +1/4 cup
  • Mozzarella cheese – 1/2 cup
  • Chopped garlic – 2 tbsp
  • Chopped coriander – 2 tbsp
  • Butter (unsalted) – 2 tbsp
  • Water (lukewarm) – 1/2 cup
  • Sugar – 1+1/2 tsp
  • Yeast – 1 tbsp
  • Salt – 1/2 tsp
Prep Time 1 hr
Cook Time 25 mins
Total Time 1 hr 25 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 2 People


  • Baking Tray
  • Oven for baking


1. Always sieve the flour before using it for any recipe. This process removes the lumps from it.
2. To activate the yeast, use lukewarm water and sugar as a food, so that it can activate properly and you will get your proper dough for you bread.
3. How to make lukewarm water?
Take 1/2 cup of water and put it in the oven and microwave it for 30 sec. Or warm it using a sauce pan, for this you have to check it by dipping your finger. When you feel that water is warmed, but it is not hurting your finger, your lukewarm water is ready.
4.  Remember, don’t put the yeast into a boiled water. Else they will die and will not help you to make your cheese garlic bread dough.
5. If you want you can replace the chopped garlic and coriander by Italian garlic butter. This butter contains oregano and garlic, so you can use it for the dough.
6. The most ideal place for raising the dough is warm and wet place. So you can use a wet kitchen cloth on top of the dough and then cover with a lid. 
7.  Mozzarella cheese is the ideal cheese for cheese garlic bread and you will feel it, when you will cut it after baking.
8. I have always told in my blogs that never change the ingredients. You can adjust  the measurements only, when you are going to make it for different servings.
9. You can use parsley in the place of coriander leaves. Even you can go with dried oregano, if both are not available.
Keyword Cheese Garlic Bread

How to make Cheese Garlic Bread

Step 1: Frist we have to make the dough, for that take a large bowl. Now add 1/2 cup of lukewarm water into the bowl. If you don’t know how to make lukewarm water then read it in the Note section.

Step 2: Now add sugar and yeast into the water. Mix it and leave it for 3-4 minutes to raise up or activate the yeast.

cheese garlic bread

Step 3: Once the yeast is activated, we will add the flour into it. Mix them all and try to make a dough.

cheese garlic bread

Step 4: At this stage, add butter, chopped garlic and coriander leaves into the dough. Use your hands to knead it and make a little sticky dough. Don’t make very tight dough, else it will not raise.

cheese garlic bread

Step 5: Now put a lid on the bowl and leave it for 30- 40 minutes to ferment. Once it is done knead the dough once again.

Step 6: It’s time to roll the dough and try to give it a proper round shape (like roti). To do it, use a rolling pin and rolling board.

cheese garlic bread

Step 7: Now put the mozzarella cheese on one side of the roti and fold the other side on it. Use little water to lock the sides to each other.

cheese garlic bread

Step 8: Here I have made a nice design on the end of the bread by using a fork.

Step 9: Put the oven for preheating at 180°C in convection mode. At the same time shift the cheese garlic bread on a baking tray.

cheese garlic bread

Step 10: Now put the tray inside the oven and bake it for 25 minutes. When 5 minutes lefts, take out the bread and grease with little butter on top of it. Then put the bread again inside the oven and start the oven to complete.

cheese garlic bread

Step 11: Once the time completes, our Cheese Garlic Bread gets ready. Cut it into small pieces and serve it with chicken, paneer or any other dry curry.

Our (Recipeonplate) mission is to share recipes in easy words with proper step by step cooking instructions, pro tips and accurate measurements. So that it can help both pro, occasional and novice home chefs. If you like our effort and want to support us please share this recipe to your social media. We thank you for reading this recipe and hoping to see you again in our website.

Frequently Asked Question

Is cheese garlic bread good for health?

Though it contains a lot of calories, still it might not be harmful for health if it is made at home.

What tastes good with cheese garlic bread?

Cheese Garlic Bread itself is so tasty that you can eat it with mostly any side dish you want. My preference is Chicken, Paneer or any other dry vegetable curry.

Does garlic bread contain cheese?

It will if you want it to be. Usually it does not, but it completely depends on the chef.

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