Christmas cake

December comes with lots of celebrations, foods and Traditions. Having Christmas Cake and celebrating Christmas with friends and family is one of the most important thing in December for most of us.

Christmas is one of the most celebrated festival in all over the world. Irrespective of our belongings and religion, people use to have cake on that day.

I brought up in a Hindu family. I had celebrated each and every Christmas with cakes and cookies, but never visited any church during the Christmas celebration.

After marriage I have shifted in a large city and blended with the city traditions. Unlike rural areas in India, Urban Indian people love to visit Churches during Christmas. Being a part of festivals of all religions gives us pride of being Indian.

Couple of years ago, first time I had visited a church during Christmas celebration. And that was a memorable experience for me. Everyone wished Merry Christmas to each other with big smile at their face.

They arranged food and drinks for everyone. And that was the 1st time I had the Authentic Christmas Cake. It was just awesome, I never had this kind of cake before.

Although we celebrate Christmas by having cakes and cookies. But very few people know or taste the Authentic Christmas Cake. And this cake is one of my favorite one.

Lets jump to the recipe.🙂

Christmas cake


*1cup_250ml, *1tbsp._Tablespoon(15 ml) , *1tsp._Teaspoon(5 ml)

  • All purpose flour – 1+1/4 Cup
  • Jaggery/Sugar – 2/3 cup
  • Coco powder – 2 tbsp.
  • Butter – 100 gm
  • Cashew – 25 pieces (approx.)
  • Almond – 25 pieces (approx.)
  • Black raisin – 1/4 cup
  • Golden raisin – 1/4 Cup
  • Tutti Fruity – 1/4 cup
  • Vanilla essence – 1 tsp
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp
  • Spice mix. – 1 tsp
  • Salt – 1/4 tsp
  • Egg – 3 pieces
  • Milk – 1/4 cup
  • Rum – 1/2 cup
Prep Time 1 d 15 mins
Cook Time 1 hr
Resting Time 1 hr
Total Time 1 d 2 hrs 15 mins
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 6 People


  • Baking Tray
  • Oven for baking


1. I have soaked the raisins in Rum for more than one day. If you do not wish to use Rum, replace it with Orange juice and Jaggery powder mix. It’s preferred to soak it inside fridge to avoid any fermentation.
2. Dates also goes well with this Christmas Cake recipe. I have not used in in mine. If you wish to use it, its better to chop them finely or make paste out of it. It helps to get the cake darker in color.
3. I have mentioned spice mix. in my ingredients list. To make this, use 1 tsp of cinnamon powder, 1 tsp nutmeg powder, 1 tsp of clove powder. Mix them all and then use 1 tsp form this mixture. Even you can add cardamom powder and ginger powder into the mixture.
4. It is a good practice to strain all purpose flour before using it. It helps to break down the lumps or remove any impurities. It makes the batter smoother. 
5. Christmas cakes are usually on harder side and less fluffy. So I have skipped baking soda and used only baking powder for this recipe. But don’t use more then 1 tsp.
6. Coarsely chop the almond and cashew. The enjoyment of having a Christmas cake enhances with this trick. 
7. We need tighter dough for this recipe than other cakes. Even the baking time is also longer here. We need 1 hour to bake the Christmas Cake evenly.
8. You can alter the quantity of dry fruits as per your preference, though over using dry fruits may affect the texture or taste. But I love dry fruits in my cakes, so I have use according to my taste.
9. If you do not want to use eggs in your recipe, replace it with a cup of milk. Full fat milk gives better result in this case.
10. Butter is a preferable choice for this recipe, but vegetable oil also goes well with this. Melt the butter before using it in the batter.
Keyword Cakes

How to make Christmas Cake

Step 1: Firstly we need to soak all the raisins in Rum for 10-12 hours at least. I have soaked them for 1 day. Prefer to use glass pot for this soaking. Pour 1/2 cup of rum and then add resins into it. Tight the glass lid and leave it according to you time.

Christmas cake

Step 2: Once the raisins are soaked properly, you can smell the nice aroma of Rum in the raisins. Take them out and roughly chop them along with the nuts. You can add cherries and dates also with this. I have used my favorite Tutti Fruity along with the dry fruits.

Step 3: Now, take a large bowl, then pour melted butter into it. After that add 2/3 cup of Jaggery/ sugar and try to get it dissolved.

Christmas cake

Step 4: Add 3 eggs on the mixture and mix them properly using a whisk. In the same time add 1 tsp of Vanilla essence and 1 tsp of spice mix. into the mixture and mix them well.

Step 5: Then add all the chopped dry fruits and mix them well. Mix leftover Rum from the soaked raisins to this batter.

Christmas cake

Step 6: Now its the time to add all purpose flour and coco powder (strain it before adding) into the bowl’s mixture, mix them gently.

Step 7: Now you will see the batter become very thick and tight. Add 1/4 cup of milk and mix them well to get the required consistency.

Step 8: Finally add 1 tsp of baking powder. And mix them well. (Prefer to strain the baking powder as well)

Step 9: This cake takes more time to get cooked from inside. Now preheat the oven at 180°C in convection mode.

Christmas cake

Step 10: Meanwhile, user a butter paper to cover the base of the cake tray. (Alternatively brush butter inside the tray). Pour the Christmas Cake batter inside.

Step 11: Once the oven is ready put the tray inside the oven and bake it for 60 minutes. After 40 minutes, check if your cake is already baked using a toothpick, and increase or decrease the time accordingly.

Christmas cake

Step 12: After baking, leave the cake aside for 1 hour to cool it down. Once your cake is ready, cut it into pieces and enjoy with your friends and family. I wish you a Merry Christmas to all of you, I hope you will make your own Christmas Cake at your own.

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You can also check some other Christmas fruit cakes

Fruit Cake

Eggless Christmas Cake

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  1. Awesome

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