fish finger

Fish Finger is a popular dish made with boneless fish and some essential ingredients. It is a great starter or a appetizer to start your meal and a good light side dish with your drink.

Its outer part is crispy and its inner part is juicy and flavorful. I saw kids loves this dish as much as adults.

I have chosen frozen basa fish for the finger, It is easily available and a popular choice in South India. The dish can be made with other boneless sea fishes as well.

I do prefer boneless fish over boned one. As the possibilities of inventing new recipes with boneless fish is practically infinite. I already have several in my blogs and will add many in future. So keep in touch.

So without further delay, let’s start to make the dish.

fish finger


*1 cup-240ml; *1 tablespoon – 15ml ; *1 teaspoon – 5ml ; 

For marinating the Fish

  • Basa Fillet – 250 gm
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Black pepper – 1/2 tsp
  • Chili flakes- 1/2 tsp
  • Salt – 1/2 tsp

For coating the fish finger

  • Bread crumbs- 1/2 cup
  • Corn flour / all purpose flour- 1/4 cup
  • Garlic powder – 1 tsp
  • salt – 1/4 tsp or pinch of
  • Egg – 1 piece

For frying the fish fingers

  • Oil – for deep fry

Prep Time 20 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Total Time 30 mins
Course Appetizer
Cuisine Asia
Servings 2 People


  • Normal Fry Pan


1. For this recipe, we need boneless fish. Any boneless fish should go well with the dish.
2. I prefer little garlic powder during the coating. That’s why I have added 1 tsp of garlic powder into the bread cramp mixture. You can replace it with 1/4 tsp of garlic paste. But in that case add it during the marination time.
3. If you are my regular reader, then you are aware of the fact that I prefer cold pressed mustard oil for cooking. So following the tradition, I am using mustard oil for this recipe, it is a healthier choice over vegetable oil.
4. Cold pressed mustard oil is free from all kind of chemicals. It has a powerful smell and a great taste. In India, mustard oil is widely used in eastern regions like West Bengal and Odisha
5. I prefer to make small size fish finger that can be easily eatable in one bite. If you want you can make large one then cut the fillet into pieces according your preference.
6. Don’t fry the fish fingers for long time. Basa fish takes very less time to cook. So we just need to fry the fish fingers up to little red or brown in color.
7. This dish tastes better when hot. So storing the dish is not so good idea. 
8. One more thing I would refer you all that serve it with mayonnaise. It is a great combo and you can not stop yourself to have more and more.
Keyword Starter

How to make Fish Finger

Step 1: Firstly take out the frozen fish if you are using frozen one. Don’t use hot water to melt the ice of the fish. Keep it out from the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, let it come to room temperature.

Step 2: Then, take the fish fillet and cut it into small and long pieces and put them into a bowl.

fish finger

Step 3: Now add salt, lemon juice, black pepper, red chili powder on the fish pieces. Mix them all together very well and leave it for marinate around 20 minutes.

Tips: We don’t need to marinate the fish more then 20 minutes. Even if you have less time, then 5 minutes of marination will be sufficient.

Step 4:  After 20 minutes our fish pieces are ready for coating. Don’t worry about excess juice of the marinade, we can discard those later.

Step 5: Take 1/4 cup of corn flour into a flat plate and 1/2 cup of bread crumb in another plate. Crack the egg and beat it well by using a fork. That’s it, all coating ingredients are ready.

fish finger

Step 6: Now coat the each piece first by corn flour, then dip into the egg and finally coat it with bread crumbs. Follow these 3 steps for each basa fish finger.

fish finger

Step 7: All fish finger are ready, we just need to fry them. If you have a air fryer then use it. Even in that stage you can store them in a zip lock bag and freeze it. It will be good for one week or so in freezer.

fish finger

Step 8: Add oil for deep frying on a preheated pan. Fry the basa cutlet on low flame. That’s it, our mini Fish Finger is ready to serve and eat.

fish finger

Step 9: Our crispy and juicy fish finger is ready to be served. I hope you will definitely try this fish finger recipe at home, which may lead to receive good compliments for you from your closed one.

Our (Recipeonplate) mission is to share recipes in easy words with proper step by step cooking instructions, pro tips and accurate measurements. So that it can help both pro, occasional and novice home chefs. If you like our effort and want to support us please share this recipe to your social media. We thank you for reading this recipe and hoping to see you again in our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How fish finger are made?

To make it at your home, just follow the steps above. It is easy, time saving and best for your party starter.

Don’t skip any step or instruction, otherwise it will not come out as good as the dish I have made.

Why are fish finger so good?

The most important part of fish finger is the fish and its taste.

Before frying them it gets marinated with multiple ingredients. And that helps to increase the taste of it.It is juicy and flavorful from inside and crispy and tasty from outside.

Which fish finger is best?

Basa is a great choice for the fish finger, alternatively you can choose any boneless fish.

I prefer basa fish finger, because this fish does not have raw smell and it absorbs the flavor of the marinade well.

And most importantly it takes very very less time to cook.

What is the healthiest fish?

There are thousands of varieties of fish. Most of them are tasty and healthy. It mostly depends on availability in your region.

What do fish finger taste like?

For this , you have to eat the fish finger. Try my recipe and comment below about how you want to describe the taste.

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