Homemade Chocolate Croissants

homemade chocolate croissants

Croissants are a special type of medium-soft buns, which have many layers and sometimes they are filled with flavorful creams or chocolates. Its not so easy to make, takes practice to perfect the process. To make the process little bit easier, here I am going to share with you Homemade Chocolate Croissants Recipe in simple words.

Croissant is a very popular bread in French cuisine, now it has so many local varieties across world, though the basic process and the looks remains same. First time, I had this in College and that time I didn’t know its name. We used to call it a cream bun.

Now a days there are lots of varieties available in croissants. Even there are various flavors and fillings as well, like chocolate, mango, strawberry, vanilla cream etc.

The most difficult and time consuming part of making Croissant is its outer layer. To make this layer we need little much effort and patience. Because we have to do same step for several times.

Like me, many other people have tried to make homemade croissants and failed in their first attempt. I have made chocolate filled bread (without layer) in first time.

This time I have made the Homemade Chocolate Croissants by following the instructions of my husband. And it came out as multilayer croissants. 😊

Let’s jump to the recipe…

homemade chocolate croissants


1cup-240ml; 1tablespoon – 15ml ; 1teaspoon – 5ml;

To make the Croissant Dough

  • All purpose flour – 1+1/4 cup
  • Milk (at normal temperature) – 1/2 cup
  • Activated yeast – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2+1/2 tbsp.
  • Salt – 1/4 tsp
  • Oil – 3 tbsp.

For assembling the Croissant bread Sheets

  • All purpose flour – 1/4 cup
  • Melted Butter – 1/4 cup

For Chocolate Croissant filling

  • Chocolate bar (Sweet) – 1/2 cup
Prep Time 1 hr 30 mins
Cook Time 30 mins
Cooling Time 15 mins
Total Time 2 hrs 15 mins
Course Snack
Cuisine French
Servings 4 People


  • Baking Tray
  • Oven for baking


1. To avoid the impurities in you chocolate croissant, sieve the flour before using it for making dough. 
2. To activate the yeast, always use lukewarm water. To do so, 30 sec microwave the  1/2 cup of water. Or just warm it using a saucepan. Warm the water at your finger adjustable temperature.
3. Boiled or extra warm water is not good for activating the yeast. These temperature will kill the yeast before fermenting.
4. One more thing is require to activate the yeast. And that is food for the yeast. So use sugar, before you put the yeast for fermentation.
5. I have used sweet chocolate bar to stuff it inside the croissants. You can also use dark chocolate, white chocolate or any other type of  chocolates of your choice.
6. To ferment the dough, you can use a easy and time saving method. Put you oven on preheating mode and start for 1 and 1/2 minutes. then stop it and put the dough bowl (with lid) inside the oven. You will get your full fermented dough within 30 minutes.
7.  If you are using salted butter instead of oil, then you don’t need to add extra salt into the dough. Use salt, when you are using unsalted butter.
8. Follow the right measurement to get the perfect dish. To make it for more people, increase the amount of each ingredients equally. Else your chocolate croissants will not come perfectly.
Keyword Chocolate Croissant

How to make Homemade Chocolate Croissants

Step 1: First we need to make the dough, for that we need a big bowl. Now add 1/2 cup of lukewarm water, yeast and sugar into it. Leave it for 2-3 minutes with lid for fermentation.

Step 2: Here our yeast is activated properly. Here we will add 1/2 tsp of salt and 3 tbsp. of oil. I have used vegetable oil here. Give a nice stir with a whisk.

homemade chocolate croissants

Step 3: At this point add the flour into the yeast mixture. First mix them all together with using the whisk. And when all flour sticks together add the butter on it.

Step 4: Here we need our helpful hand. At that stage knead the dough for 5 minutes. So you can see that the dough doesn’t stick after kneading properly.

Step 5: Put a lid on the bowl and leave it for around 1 hour for fermentation. To get early result, use my method, which I have already mention in the instructions.

homemade chocolate croissants

Step 6: Once the fermentation is done, knead the dough one more time. After that divide the dough in 6 equal pieces. Give them a small and nice round ball shape.

Step 7: Now take one dough ball and roll it by using a rolling pin to make a round roti. Do the same thing for the other 5 dough balls.

homemade chocolate croissants

Step 8: Take one roti on board, brush it with butter and then sprinkle little flour on it. After that put another roti just top of it. Follow the same thing and put all the roties on top of the other.

homemade chocolate croissants

Step 9: Finally, we have a thick stack of round rotis. Sprinkle little more flour on the roti to roll it. Try to make a double size roti by using the roti.

homemade chocolate croissants

Step 10: Once the large roti is made, cut them into 12 equal pieces like pizza slice.

homemade chocolate croissants

Step 11: Here take one slice of roti and roll it again to increase its size. After that slit the arc part of the slice into 2, put a cube of chocolate in middle and cover it by the cut parts. Now roll it forward to give a nice croissant look. Follow the step for the rest of the slices of roti.

homemade chocolate croissants

Step 12: Once all Chocolate Croissants are done, leave them to rest for another 30 minutes before baking. They will rise up more. Once done, Put the oven for preheating at 180° C in convection mode.

Step 13: Meanwhile put all the croissants on a baking tray and brush them with butter, use 1 inch gap in between every two croissants. Else they will stick each other during baking.

homemade chocolate croissants

Step 14: Now put the tray inside the oven and bake them for 25 minutes. Once they are done take them out and brush little more butter on top of them.

homemade chocolate croissants

Step 15: Serve them as a snacks to your friends in your small party. They will fall in love with it. They will love it even more once the melted chocolates dissolve into the mouth.

Our (Recipeonplate) mission is to share recipes in easy words with proper step by step cooking instructions, pro tips and accurate measurements. So that it can help both pro, occasional and novice home chefs. If you like our effort and want to support us please share this recipe to your social media. We thank you for reading this recipe and hoping to see you again in our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are homemade chocolate croissants made of?

These are the universal ingredients to make croissants,

* All purpose flour



*Oil/ Butter


And for filling purpose, you can use vanilla cream, strawberry cream, mango cream along with the chocolate cream.

What is the trick to making a perfect homemade chocolate croissants?

To make the perfect homemade chocolate croissants, we have to layer each and every roti perfectly. Then only we can see the perfect layer in our homemade croissants.

Can I fill any other cream into my homemade croissants?

Yes, you can use mango flavor cream, Jams, pineapple cream, strawberry cream, vanilla cream or normal sweeten milk cream. It totally on you, what flavor you want to eat.

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