
Masala tea (Spiced Tea), the name also sounds like an energetic word, which appropriately describes the drink as well. Tea is the most famous drink in Asia, mostly in India, China and Bangladesh. There are hundreds of varieties and preparing methods around it. Though the basics remains the same, boil the tea leaves in water, it differs slightly with geography.

We, Indians are very found of spices (Masala). You probably will agree with me on this. Our food life revolves around spices, its taste and aroma. But putting spices in tea ??? Sounds crazy right… Actually its not. I will prove it to you.

Masala tea is very very popular street drink in India. You can get it in most roadside tea stalls, which is practically like everywhere in Indian cities. It is mainly prepared with milk, water, tea leaves, sugar or jaggery and of course – the spices.

Although the taste of Masala Tea always depends on the ingredients used in it. Here I am going to share with you my favorite Masala Tea recipe.

I prefer my tea once in morning after waking up and one more in evening. But honestly there is no perfect time for tea if you are working continuously for very long time.

In India people love to start their morning with a cup of tea and biscuits. This is very traditional way to start your morning and I have been seeing this from my childhood.

My grandmother, she was very fond of tea. I have remembered that each day she had 6-7 cups of tea and sometimes more than that.

So this tea habit I got from my family and I love to carry it forward. Tea helps me to recharge my body and also give me energy to carry on with my work.

One more thing I would say that there is no comparison between coffee and tea. They both are best in their lover’s mind and life. And that is the universal truth😉



*1cup_250ml/230gms, *1tbsp._Tablespoon, *1tsp._Teaspoon

  • Milk – 1 tea cup
  • Water – 1 tea cup
  • Ginger – 1 inch
  • Jaggery – 1 tbsp.
  • Cardamom – 2 pieces
  • Clove – 2 pieces
  • Tea leaves – 1+1/2 tbsp.

Cook Time 10 mins
Total Time 10 mins
Course Drinks
Cuisine Indian
Servings 2 People


  • Saucepan


1. For this recipe the first and foremost think is tea leaves. To make it in a proper way we need mixed tea leaves in proper ratio. Which contains both flavorful and colorful leaves.
2. The flavorful tea leaves and colorful tea leaves ratio should be 1 : 3 . Incase you have both in your home and have to mix them instantly. Otherwise buy a packet of any mixed tea pack. You will get which you need.
3. Here I am going to give you some tips which will help you to catch all the flavor of tea into you cup. For this you have to follow 3 steps.
i> First one is for green tea lover. Don’t boil the leaves, instead put tea leaves into a cup and add boiled water into it. Cover it and leave it for 2-3 minutes. Strain it and enjoy. No need to add sugar as well.
ii> To make milk tea, boil tea (with milk and water) for 4-5 minutes. And after making the tea always cover the pot with a lid at least for 2 minutes. And after that strain it into a cup. Don’t boil it again. 
iii> another one for milk tea. Add the sugar at the end of the tea making and then boil it for a minutes. Trust me it taste more better then adding sugar into a cup.
4. To make masala tea, I prefer cow milk rather than powder milk. your tea will be more creamy and tasty. (Low fat milk goes better with Masala Tea)
5. Those masala or spices are totally my choice and I love to have this masala tea in evening. It gives me strength and energy. 
6. One more thing, this tea recipe is very very useful as a cure of sore throat. Try it 2 – 3 times a day and you will definitely fell better.
7. Jaggery or sugar, its totally your choice. Personally I prefer jaggery in my coffee and tea. I love its smell and taste. Most importantly it has some health benefits which white sugar don’t have.
Keyword Masala Tea

How to make Masala Tea

Step 1: Firstly take all the ingredients which we need for this recipe. After that crush the cardamoms, clove and ginger and put them on a plate.

Step 2: Now take 1 cup of cow milk and 1 cup of water into a sauce pan. Put the pan on the stove and turn it on. Make it on low to medium flame.

Step 3: Wait for boiling the milk and water. When it start boiling add ginger, tea leaves, cloves and cardamoms into it. Let it boil for another 4-5 minutes.

Step 4: At this point I am going to add 1 tbsp. of jaggery powder into the tea and boil it for another 1 minute.

Step 5: Now our Masala Tea is done. Turn off the stove and cover the sauce pan with a lid. Wait for 2 minutes.

Step 6: Finally Masala Tea is ready, strain it by a strainer and pour it into a authentic mitti ka bhar (Earthen cup) for adding raw earthen smell to it. Sip it and enjoy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is masala tea good for?

Masala tea contains goodness of each ingredients like ginger, cloves, cardamom, jaggery and so on. So yes every ingredients has their own benefits for our body.

If you have any health issue mainly related to flu or sore throat or headache then you must drink this hot and sweet masala tea.

Most importantly it is so easy that anyone can make it at ease.

When should I drink masala tea?

I don’t think that there is any particular time for a cup of tea. If you ask me for a tea at midnight, I will definitely say yes to you.

But yes most of the people follows a routine to drink tea. Like in early morning or early evening or late Afternoon.

Even you can have it when you have headache or sore throat or cough related health issue.

Don’t worry, you can make you own time for a cup of Masala Tea. My preferable time to have a cup of Masala Tea is Late Afternoon. This is the best time for me to take a sip of tea with the mesmerizing view of sunset from my balcony.

Is it good to drink masala tea everyday?

Yeh of course. This tea has many ingredients and each of them has their own goodness of health.

So if you drink it at least once a day then it will be good for your health.

Can I drink masala tea at night?

Tea has the ability to warm up your body and yes it has caffeine which keep you awake. So if you are a late night person and has lot of work to do at night then go for it.

Otherwise try to avoid tea at night, except green tea.

Is masala tea the same as chai tea?

In both case tea are the same. Tea is refer to tea leave and chai is Hindi word for tea. In India you can recognize tea as many other names like cha, chai, cutting etc.

Even you can find varieties of flavor in tea. Like Ginger tea, Elichi tea, Masala tea, Lemon tea and many more.

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