peanut cookies

Peanuts is a very popular snack, mostly in South Asian countries. It is comparatively cheap and hugely available in India. We Indian are using peanuts in our recipes since centuries. Today I have combined regular Cookie recipe with Peanut and made something which is surprisingly delicious – Peanut Cookies.

In Peanuts Cookies we need to have good quality peanuts and in good proportion to get the taste and flavor of it.

Roasted peanuts is my husband’s favorite snack. I often see him munching roasted peanuts during his work. He even loves recipes which contains peanuts.

To surprise him, I made this Peanut Cookies and he loved it. He appreciated my effort and acknowledged the taste, smell and the crunchiness of the cookies.

Baking is one of my favorite cooking process, I like the smell of baking and the smell of fresh baked cakes or biscuits so much.

Peanuts are a very good source of Good cholesterol and plant based protein. So this dish is parallelly healthy and tasty.

My regular reader knows I like to do experiment with cooking and share as soon as I get to do something new and tasty. If you are new to the page, please consider subscribing, I am sure you wont be disappointed.

Let’s jump to the recipe.


*1cup_250ml/230gms, *1tbsp._Tablespoon, *1tsp._Teaspoon

  • All purpose flour – 1 cup
  • Peanut Powder – 1/2 cup
  • Whole peanuts (roasted) – 1/4 cup
  • Sugar – 1/4 cup
  • Jaggery – 1/4 cup
  • Butter – 100 gm
  • Vanilla essence – 1 tsp
  • Black cumin (optional) – 1 tsp
  • Egg – 1 piece
  • Baking soda – 1/2 tsp
Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 13 mins
Cooling Time 15 mins
Total Time 43 mins
Course Snack
Cuisine European
Servings 8 People


  • Baking Tray
  • Oven for baking


1. Main ingredient of this recipe is peanuts. Here we need roasted peanuts. Roasted peanuts are easily available in market. But make sure those are unsalted one.
2. Even you can prepare roasted peanuts at home. For that take 1/2 cup of raw peanut on a ceramic or microwave safe plate and microwave it for 2 minutes. It will be good to go into the recipe.
3. Here is the way to make peanut powder at home. To make it use that 1/2 cup of roasted peanut and grind it using a mixture grinder. And you will easily get market like peanut powder in 5 minutes. 
4. Always strain refine flour, baking soda before adding them into the recipe. They may  have some impurities or other hard particles, which is not good for our dish.
5. If you don’t have peanuts flavor then replace it with the vanilla essence. Essence is necessity to cover up the smell of egg. 
6. I like the smell of black cumin, after baking its smell came out and you will taste the flavor when chewing the cookie. If you don’t like it, just skip it.
7. You can store your dough in fridge for couple of days if you need to. Take it out when required, just bake them.
8. Vegetarian can skip the egg and just make peanut cookies following the same process without egg. 
9. Personally my preference is little soft and chewy cookies. To get it I bake my cookies for 12 minutes. On the other hand my husband use to like crunchy cookies, So he bakes cookies for 15 minutes for him (180 degree centigrade). Which one you want just go for it.
10. Use any type of cutter or shape to give a attractive look on you cookies. I hope that will catch your children’s eye and they will enjoy even more.
11. After baking them wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then store them inside a glass jar. It will be edible for a week or so.
Keyword Cookies

How to Make peanut cookies

Step 1: Take a bowl, then add one by one ingredients. Put 100 gram of butter (use butter in room temperature ), jaggery and sugar into it. Mix them together using a beater or a whisk.

peanut cookies

Step 2: After that add vanilla essence and one egg into it. Mix them all. Now it’s time to add peanut powder and refine flour. If you don’t get peanut powder then just make it your own. I have shared the method above. Within 10 minutes you can make it at home.

Step 3: So following the process, we need to add 1/2 cup of peanut powder and 1/4 cup of roasted peanuts into the bowl. gently mix them.

peanut cookies

Step 4: Now take a strainer on top of the bowl and add 1 cup of refine flour and 1/2 tsp of baking soda in it. Strain them carefully.

peanut cookies

Step 5: All our cookie ingredients are now in the bowl. Mix them all very well. Here one more ingredient I have added which is black cumin. Its optional, but blends really well with the taste.

Step 6: Our Peanut Cookie dough is ready. Now it’s time to make cookie by using this flavorful dough. make equal size of ball or use cookie cutter to give a shape to them.

Step 7: I have made small balls and put them on a baking tray. Maintain 2 inches space between two cookies. I have used a butter paper on the tray before putting them on it.

peanut cookies

Step 8: Now set your oven at convection mode and preheat it at 180°C. When preheat is done, put the tray inside the oven and set the timer for 13 minutes.

peanut cookies

Step 9: Bake all the cookies following the same process. Let them cool for 10 to 15 minutes and then store them inside a glass jar. Now you can enjoy Peanut Cookies whenever you want.

Our (Recipeonplate) mission is to share recipes in easy words with proper step by step cooking instructions, pro tips and accurate measurements. So that it can help both pro, occasional and novice home chefs. If you like our effort and want to support us please share this recipe to your social media. We thank you for reading this recipe and hoping to see you again in our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can keep peanut cookies?

You can keep Peanut Cookies for 5-7 days or so. In that case you have to store them inside a air tight glass jar.

In between, if your cookie get moist then microwave them for 1 minute and let them cool down. It’s just a workaround, don’t depend on it much.

Why do my peanut cookies crack?

It’s either over baked or less butter is used in the dough.

Do you Criss Cross peanut cookies before or after baking?

Criss Cross is a design, which can be made before baking the cookies. And it is very easy to draw on top of the cookies.

For that just use a fork and press it on the top of each cookie in criss cross way.

What are the most popular type of cookies?

There are varieties of cookies available in market. Some of them are very crunchy and some of them are soft and chewy.

Personally my favorite cookies are Walnut Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Coconut Cookies, Milk Cookies etc.

How do you tell if peanut cookies are done?

When the base of cookie gets brown in color that means you cookie is done. And you can follow this method for all kind of cookie baking.

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  1. Can I use Almonds or Cashew instead of Peanuts?

    1. No dear.. you are making peanut cookies, so you have to use peanuts, rather than cashew or almond.

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