sabudana khichdi

From the name it is obvious that Sabudana Khichdi is made with Sabudana. Although it’s called khichdi, yet I would not suggest you to eat at lunch. It is a good breakfast or a small snack.

Khichdi is a very popular dish for Indians. It is healthy, full of taste and sometimes also suggested by doctors.

According to the doctor Khichdi is a good diet as it is easily digestible for patients. It contains proteins of lentil and vitamins of veggies which makes it even more nutritious.

It’s really a good breakfast to start your energetic morning. Though we named it khichdi, yet it does not needs boiling. So yes, it is different kind of khichdi.

Indians cuisines are full of varieties and taste, it often takes more than a lifetime to try them all.

So let’s start the recipe together to make the Sabudana Khichdi perfectly.

sabudana khichdi


1cup-240ml; 1tablespoon – 15ml ; 1teaspoon – 5ml;

To soak the sabudana (tapioca pearls)

  • Sabudana (tapioca pearls) – 1/2 cup
  • Water to soak it – 1 cup

For Sabudana Khichdi

  • Cumin seeds – 1 tsp
  • Curry leaves – 2 bunch
  • Boiled potato (chopped) – 1 cup
  • Tomato (chopped) – 1/2 cup (1 medium size)
  • Green chilies (Chopped) – 1 tbsp. ( 2 pieces)
  • Peanut (roasted) – 1/4 cup
  • Ginger paste – 1 tsp
  • Cumin Powder – 1 tsp
  • Raisin – 1/4 cup
  • Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1+1/2 tsp
  • Salt – 1 tsp (or as your own requirement)
  • Oil / Ghee – 2 tbsp.

sabudana khichdi
Prep Time 6 hrs
Cook Time 10 mins
Total Time 6 hrs 10 mins
Course Breakfast
Cuisine Indian
Servings 2 People


  • Non-Stick Fry Pan


1. For Sabudana Khichdi, I would suggest you to use bigger grains of sabudana. In market Sabudana (tapioca pearls) grains are available in different sizes. Each one of them serves different purpose.
2. Smaller grains are good for eating raw, only after soaking them. Cooking them make a thick and sticky white paste like Jelly. So don’t use it for this recipe.
3. Don’t use more water then I have mentioned above to soak the Sabudana. Because we need little dry and grainy Sabudana. More water will make the grains stick to one another.
4. Because I am living in Bangalore (a part of South India), So I am very used to use curry leaves in my recipes. But you don’t need to stick to it. That means it can be replaced by the coriander leaves. For that, use it (chopped coriander leaves) at the last stage of cooking.
5. Although it’s a khichdi, yet I have not used any veggies into it. Because they take more time to get cooked. If you want to add veggies according to your taste then boil/fry them before adding into the khichdi.
6. Even you can add some half boiled lentils like Split Yellow lentils (Mung dal), Split Chickpeas (chana dal) etc. They will add extra taste in you Sabudana Khichdi.
7. Try to cook the entire recipe on a non-stick pan. Sabudana (tapioca pearls) is little sticky when it is on flame. 
8. Most importantly don’t use any water during the cooking. Sabudana Khichdi needs to fry only, there is no need of water for this recipe.
Keyword Breakfast

How to make Sabudana Khichdi

Step 1: Take tomatoes and chilies, and chop them now into small pieces.

Step 2: My soaked, dried and grainy Sabunada is ready. To get this Sabudana I have soaked it with 1 cup of water overnight. Try to soak Subudana for at least 4-5 hours.

sabudana khichdi

Step 3: Now take a preheated non-stick fry pan and add 2 tbsp. of ghee into it. And when ghee gets hot, add 1/2 tsp of cumin seeds and wait for crackling. Then add curry leaves into the oil and fry for 1/2 minute.

Step 4: At this point add the chopped tomatoes and chilies into it, fry them for another 2 minutes.

Step 5: Then add ginger paste and fry for another 1 minute. Then add boiled potato, roasted peanuts, cumin powder, raisins, salt and sugar into the pan. Mix and fry them for 1-2 minutes.

sabudana khichdi

Step 6: At this point add soaked sabudana into the pan and mix them all together. Add lemon juice and wait for another 1 minute.

sabudana khichdi

Step 7: Switch off the stove and put the lid on fry pan. Wait for 5 minutes and then serve it to enjoy hot and delicious breakfast.

I hope you will like it and also try it at your kitchen to get then taste of the Sabudana Khichdi.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is sabudana khichdi healthy?

Yes they are. Sabudana is made from the starch of a vegetable named Tapioca(Cassava root). Which is a good food for diabetic and cholesterol patients. If you use good spices and less oil, it is a very healthy food for all ages.

Try to consume limited amount of each kind of food to live a healthy lifestyle.

How long should sabudana be soaked?

Sabudana (tapioca pearls) should be soaked for at least 4-5 hours. After that you will get the grainy and fluffy sabudana for you recipe.

But I always try to soak the sabudana for over night.

This time period is perfect for getting the perfect soaked sabudana. And obviously you need to use proper amount of water for soaking.

Is sabudana khichdi easy to digest?

Yes. Sabudana Khichdi is light and easily digestible food.

I prefer this Sabudana Khichdi in my breakfast. So that I make sure it should tasty, light and obviously healthy for me and my family.

Can I boil Sabudana instead of soaking?

Try to soak the sabudana instead of boiling it.

After boiling the sabudana, you will not get grainy and fluffy sabudana.

They will be sticky and look like white jelly, And you could not use it for Sabudana Khichdi.

Is sabudana khichdi good for weight loss?

Sabudana is a great source of carbohydrate, So it also contains a handsome amount of calories.

Looking on that I will not say that sabudana is good for weight loss. I don’t thick so.🤔

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